Monday, January 18, 2010

What a Wonderful Site

I came home to two kids in an amazing mood who were playing in the same room with two different toys and NOT fighting. It was so awesome to watch we let them stay up a little later. They even played with one toy together for a few minutes. It was so nice to hear they were in a great mood today and have fun playing outside and painting with Ms Erica (their monday babysitter). And even more wonderful to see them playing along side each other without a problem, this is something that is a huge struggle for us. They want to do whatever the other one is doing and then end up fighting so no one ends of playing. We spend more time breaking up fights then they ever do playing. We are trying to teach them to play with separate toys in the same room without bugging each other. I am planning on a good week with them feeling better and doing so well today. I am renewed and feel better about last week, although I am very stressed about finding a preschool for Westin. Here's to a good day at gymnastics and music drum class tomorrow.

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