Monday, January 11, 2010

Kevin out of town

Kevin left yest (sun am) to go to Texas to his aunt's funeral to support his mom, cousins and pay his respects. I am glad he was able to find a cheap enough plan ticket and didn't have a lot of meetings at work, but it is very hard for me, the kids and my parents when he is gone. I had to work Sunday and normally he spends the day with the kids but luckily my parents were able to watch them at the last minute. It is a very long day for everyone. The kids love being with my parents but they miss us and it is hard for them. We had a good day today, I was able to get some sleep this am, Erica came over to watch them for a bit, I took Grace grocery shopping and to lunch, just her and I and Westin got to play with Erica one on one. Any time I have only one kid it is a treat and they behave so much better and are so much more fun. We had a nice dinner and played a new game they got for x-mas. But they keep asking me where daddy is. Kevin was gone a week ago to go hunting with his brother in Kansas so I think him being gone so close together is why they keep asking me so much where he is. It is hard for me too because he does so much for us as a family and I am always so tired anyway it really wears me out to have him gone, but this time it is easier since the kids are getting older and doing better. But I certainly appreciate that he isn't gone very often, I don't know how I would ever do it if he was gone a lot. Kevin we miss you, glad you got to go, and are sooooooooooo glad you do not travel for work.

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