Sunday, January 31, 2010

Westin's sleep study

Westin had his sleep study last night to evaluate the apnea he had during his adenoid surgery. We purposely wore him out by going out to the land and hiking for two hours so he would cooperate and be easier for him to go to sleep with all the stuff on. We had a great time hiking around with the two dogs, it was Molly's first time going out to the land. It was a really nice family day.
So when we got home I headed up to the medical building with Westin which just happened to be the same building he goes to OT. I had explained to him what we were going to be doing so when we got there Mr Mike, his tech, let us in and Westin said. "man, where is my bed." so he was ready to get going. Kevin and Grace came right after us and brought chinese for dinner. we had to be there at 6:30pm and Westin doesn't eat well any earlier, so we just brought dinner and ate while they got the paperwork and everything set up.
It took about an hour to put all the wires on him, he was so tired he sat still in a chair and watched G-Force. Towards the end he was asking to go to bed. To he had 13 EEG wires glued to his head, three chin wires, two chest EKG wires, chest and abdomen strap to record breathing, 4 wires on his legs to record leg movement and nasal cannula to record air flow, CO2 and administer oxygen if needed. I knew sleep studies record a lot, but I was very impressed with all that they can figure out from all these wires. As you can see Westin was wrapped up like a mummie and looked like he had a brain injury. So once everything was set up I layed down with him and he was alseep within 10min, which is fast for him. I then went out and Mr Mike let me see Westin's trackings on the computer and explained things to me, so that was pretty neat. Then I attempted to sleep on a pull out chair bed, it was okay. They actually had amazingly nice sheets and pillows and Westin's bed was very comfy. He was so tired he only moved a few inches from this position all night, which is rare for him also. We were woke up at 5am and Westin woke easy and calm, helped pull the tape off. In fact he ribbed the nasal cannula and tegaderm off his cheeks, so now his face is red from take burn. We got home by 5:30am and went back to bed and he actually slept until 7:45. So all in all it was a calm and fairly easy experience and Westin did amazing, only one crying episode and no fussing or whining. Mr Mike did say that he "didn't see anything during the study, but the Dr will read it." So this is good news and sounds like he didn't have any apnea, but we will wait for the official report.
So, today we have just been hanging out at home resting. Westin is really tired and took a 3hr nap. Gramcee, papatee and nucle Ryan are headed over for dinner.
Yeah for a great weekend, clean house, hike with the fam, good sleep study, and restful sunday. Couldn't get much better.
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