Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolutions

I have been wanting to keep track of all the funny, hard, sad, wonderful things my family has experienced in the past 4years since becoming pregnant with our son and I did for awhile in a notebook, but it got away from me and I don't have much written down in the past 1.5yrs (most of my dtrs life :( ). So one of my two new years resolutions is to start a blog as I believe it will be easier for me to keep family events written down. This blog is mostly for my family to have a written account of our life. It will also be to keep friends and family updated on what we are up too.
My second resolution is to get healthy, loose weight, get my blood sugars back under control. I mean I have had the resolution to loose weight before but it WILL happen this time, my health and future greatly depends on it and I have a great Dr in denver helping me.
So, here goes a toast to a great year of health, life, happiness, and blogging. Happy New Year everyone hope today finds 2010 starting off great with hope and optimism.
Kisa :)

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