Monday, January 18, 2010

Stares, Snears............ and Frustration.

I am going to start with AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! Had to get that off my chest. This past week has been rough. Kevin got home on wednesday okay and everyone has been fussy ever since and have colds. Westin has been doing a lot of seeking behaviors and Grace copies him. At home this is usually okay but he has been wild in public lately. Since he is older and getting tall people are not as forgiving as they used to be when he does these things. The breaking point for me this past week was at a Dr apt for Westin. I decided to take both kids, which I rarely do, but it was just a quick follow up not needing much discussion. Well, even quick turns into 45min and way to long for them. They did well for about 20min, then Westin decided he needed to be wild. While the ladies at the front desk were taking their sweet time checking me out Westin took a chair and was pushing it around the waiting room and guess who was right behind him, Grace. She would never do these things without his example. He does things so fast I have a hard time stopping him before it starts and to get him to stop I have to go to him, get down on his level, try to get his attention and looking me in the eyes and tell him to stop. So he did and promptly starting doing his seeking dance with his loud zzzzzz noise. So now the receptionist are thoroughly annoyed with them (b/c Grace is doing it too) and tell him he has to be quite so they can hear on the phone. I am embarrassed and frustrated by this behavior and hate the feeling I get from people when this happens. Because Grace copies him it looks like I have two wild horribly behaved kids instead of one, or one with a problem. Because his problem is mild and it isn't obvious he has a disorder people just assume he is not disciplined. Anyway, this just brought back so many memories of when this happened every day before we started OT. So it is better and this was the worst it has been for awhile. I am very glad this doesn't happen everyday anymore, but very frustrated at the wildness in the past 5 days. Hopefully soon he will get out of this funk, maybe we need to brush him again or do his compression vest. So, just one event in our day and I was exhausted after this appointment and still had 7hrs until Kevin got home. So we headed to McDonalds for lunch and to burn off some steam in the playplace where I could sit and relax a bit. (ordering food and keeping him near me is a whole other post, certainly not an easy task.)

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