Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Potty Kids... Here we come....

End of Feb marked my three day weekend to do the "Three Day Potty training". This method worked for Westin's therapist sensory son so she gave us the notes for it and I marked off a weekend. We decided to go ahead and do it before surgery because Westin was finally showing some signs and interest and we didn't want to miss his "window". We bought our last pack of diapers the week before, got sticker charts, lots of thick underwear, prizes and M&M's. They were both really excited, we decided to try Grace and see how she did and if she was ready or not.
In the morning we threw diapers away and got out panties and underwear, they had picked out their underwear the nights before. Grace has been hilarious lately with what she says and is into being girly and saying thank you so sweetly. So, when I got her panties out she looked at them and said in a high pitched sweet voice, "oh mommy my pani panties are so beautiful, thank you, oh thank you." She made up pani panties and we have called them that ever since. They were both excited to get started but by lunch time we had 9 wet underwear to be washed over naptime. Westin was doing great but Grace couldn't release her urine when she wanted to, took up to a few minutes of sitting there and me singing songs for her to go. The afternoon and next day brought more of the same. Westin was doing great, only a few accidents and was pooping in the potty too and had earned lots of M&M's and his belt.
Within three days Westin was only having about one accident a day and Grace was still struggling so much I thought she wasn't ready and was about to put her back in diapers, but then on the 4th day when I was at work and Erica was here she has NO accidents. A few more tough days with her and she was staying dry. Westin had 5 accident free days right away and did great. Grace caught up and by the time he had his surgery Grace had 5 accident free days and able to go when she wanted to and on the big potty. Then the surgery and aftermath hit. Westin used a diaper for 8 days straight due to being so sick. Grace backslid some since we had to pay so much attention to Westin. So now a month into potty training we are having to redo some things, but they are still doing very well. So at 2.5 and 3.5yrs they are mostly potty trained. Westin had a bunch of dry naps and nights before surgery but not anymore yet, Grace also. We are very excited and loving the minimal diapers, just pullups for nap and diapers for bed, so awesome. And their character underwear and pani panties are so cute. I love their little butts in underwear. This has caused Grace's pants to get looser since she hasn't gained any weight in 6 months and without a diaper her butt is tiny. Yeah for big potty kids!!! :)

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